Use rainbow crafts to help your kids learn about the letter R. Not only that, you can teach them to identify and name the colors on this craft!
Don’t forget to sing about The Colors of the Rainbow while you make this craft!
Types of skills can include math, science, fine motor, dramatic play, social and emotional. Here is how this sheep applies these skills:
Your child will be able to identify and name the colors on the rainbow.
Your child will be able to count the number of colors on the letter R.
This will be great to teach your child how primary color mixed together can make secondary colors. For example, red, yellow, and blue are primary color. Ask the child to predict what the color would be if they red and yellow if mixed? It will definitely gain their attention and surprise them to see that two colors can make a different colors.
Fine Motor Skills
Your kids will use a pencil to trace the letter R template along with using a scissor to cut out the letter R.
Additionally, your kids will use a scissor cut out strips of the colors to create a rainbow.
Lastly, your children will use his hand eyes coordination to pick up the strips of colors and glue it on the letter R.
Dramatic Play and Social/Emotional
The children will be going around looking for rainbows and or creating their own rainbow in their environmental settings. Don’t be surprise if it is a rainy day and your child points out rainbows every time he sees one!
Make sure you supervise your child when using scissors and other sharp items.
You will use red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, light blue construction papers, writing utensil, letter R template, scissors, and glue.
A letter R template, and enough construction paper to have all of the colors of the rainbow covered!
Scissors, markers, pencil, and glue
Before you begin, you may want to prepare your materials by creating a letter R template and draw straight lines on the color construction papers about 1/2 an inch to make it easier for the child to cut along.
With that done, you can now have the child use a pencil to trace the letter R template on the light blue construction paper and use a scissor to cut on the line to get the letter R.
Then, have the child cut on the line that you have prepared on all the construction papers and using the glue to glue it on the letter R. Don’t forget to remind the child to leave a little space after gluing one construction paper after the next.
Finally, you or the child can trim the excess paper to make sure you have the letter R.
This is wonderful craft to improve the child’s fine motor skills and cutting skills. This allows the child to focus and cut on the line. Not only that, the child might want to be a perfectionist and glue the line so straight that look good! Give yourself a pat on the back because this is easy but requires a lot of attention to motivate the child to complete it.
Use tissue papers and crumble it into pieces to glue on the letter R instead of construction papers.
Use markers or paints to make a rainbow instead of construction papers.
Add clouds to the rainbow to make it more personalize.
Rainbows Are Colorful!
Rainbow crafts are a great way to get your kids to enjoy colors and learn about the letter R. Don’t forget to show your kids how colorful they are!